Customer Testimonials

Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority

Time using Diesel Force: >2 years
Fleet Size: 200
Primary Engine: Cummins ISB/ISL

"PSTA has seen a dramatic reduction in engines requiring stationary regens when using the Diesel Force program in a regular preventative maintenance schedule. Due to the inherent duty cycle of diesel engines in transit buses, the use of the Diesel Force program has increased the reliability of our buses. The support network is very good. Training is unlimited, free and readily available. Upgrades of equipment and technology are at very little, or no cost."

Quality Truck Service

Time using Diesel Force: >2 years

"We find that the Diesel Force products have freed stuck vanes in turbos regardless of mileage, with over a 75% success rate while using this product as directed. Additionally, I am able to clean a DOC even when the DOC is face plugged. My shop is able to clean the filter and DOC in house in just a few hours with no need to remove it from the truck. I know that our experience will help you convince others in the industry that your product does exactly what you say it does."

Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift of America Inc.

"It's been great for our forklifts with Perkins engines, where the customer may not utilize the truck much or uses it for short periods of time. The truck never gets hot enough for the DPF to properly clean. When used at regular maintenance intervals, the replacement of EGR valves, EGR coolers, VGTs and DPFs is greatly reduced."